How to make a tank top totes


How clever is this idea? If you click HERE you will go directly to craftynest tutorial. They have all the instructions you will need to complete your project. Enjoy! ~ Sarah xxx

Supplies and toolse:
tank top
straight pins
water-erasable fabric marker
sewing machine and thread
fabric scissors
seam ripper
sewing gauge or ruler


Recipe – Minestrone Soup

Love this recipe from food wishes! If you click on the photo you will go directly to the food wishes source. I know you will love it too! Of course I make all my food completely gluten free. I just substitute pasta for gluten free pasta. In the USA I used Canadian bacon as it was leaner than regular bacon. In Australia I use regular GF bacon as it is fairly lean. I also try as best I can to use in season and organic produce. Organic produce can be terribly expensive so we can’t always afford to buy organic all the time. We do our best and that is really all anyone can do. ~ Sarah xxx


3 oz pancetta (or regular bacon)

2 tbsp olive oil
1 diced onion
1 cup diced celery
4 minced garlic cloves
4 cups chicken broth
1 (28-oz) can plum tomatoes, crushed fine
2 cups water, plus more as needed
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp dried Italian herb blend (mine was thyme, oregano, rosemary, basil)
red pepper flakes to taste
1 cup freshly shucked cranberry beans (aka shelling beans)
2 or 3 cups chopped cabbage
1 (15-oz) can garbanzo beans, drained
1 bunch swiss chard, chopped
2/3 cup raw ditalini pasta
extra virgin olive oil, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and fresh Italian parsley to garnish the top

DIY – How to transfer ink onto fabric



Love this reblog from “mademoisellechoas” How clever is she!? Enjoy.
~ Sarah xxx

I can say that this is fairly permanent on fabric, I’ve been mercilessly washing my printed shirt, and though slightly faded, it still is undeniably present. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend it for the use with delicate embroidery, but if you’re going to cover all of it with (dark) thread, it could as well work.

It’s really quite simple, but I have to inform you: we will be dealing with potentially dangerous chemicals, that means: no smoking, no inhaling, eating & drinking of the paint thinner, and no kids left unattended! Really! I don’t want anybody to be harmed in this process, so open your windows for fresh air and pay attention that nothing spills!

What you need:
a computer
a laser printer (more specifically, something printed on a laser printer 😉 copyshop will also work!) EDIT: It recall it working with newspaper/some magazines, too!!
paint thinner
(EDIT: as some people have pointed out, the proper stuff to use would be lacquer thinner — mine contains xylene and benzine, just so you can re-check an see if the problems might have to do with the chemicals you use)
a solid, flat, smooth thingy (letter opener or so…)
a surface to transfer the motif onto (fabric, paper, cardboard, wood, metal,… it works with a lot of stuff)

First, prepare your picture (size, resultion etc is pretty much irrelevant, this technique also transfers fine details!) with a graphics program so it is b/w or grayscale. There have been rumors it works with color, too, as long as it’s laser printed, but I myself only work monochrome. Then — and I can’t stress enough how important this is, even more so with actual lettering in the design — FLIP it horizontally. It should be mirrored, because we will put it on the surface with the printed side down!

Next: print! Check double if it’s really mirrored (stand in front of a mirror and if you can read your text, you’ve done well :D).

Cut out your design with a generous border (for easier orientation etc.) and pin/tape it down (with the printed side DOWN) to the surface if necessary. Be careful not to cover/prick any of the picture area, but only the border. Small pictures also work without fixation, you can just hold it down with your fingers.

Dip your q-tip in paint thinner and rub it on the back of your printout — it will become translucent! Unlike me, you should hold it down while rubbing, but I didn’t have a third hand for handling the cam 😀

Then, take a solid, smooth anything (I used a letter opener made of bone) and carefully but firmly rub all over the picture, so the ink transfers well to the surface. Larger pictures may need step-by-step action, as the thinner quickly evaporates (hence the open windows and no inhaling rule… otherwise you would feel dizzy soon).

Peel away and adore 😀



DIY – Make Your Own Notebooks


What a great idea making your own notepads click this SOURCE to get to the clever Chica and Jo for their full tutorial. You can also recycle your old paper. Enjoy! ~ Sarah

I have recently discovered a special type of glue that you can use to make your own notepads. It’s called padding compound and it’s a simple adhesive that you apply to a stack of paper to turn it into a notepad.

We have had endless fun making custom, personalized notepads and doing various fun projects with it, and are still coming up with new ideas for more. It’s so easy to use, too! Here are the basics.

Take a stack of paper — any color, type, or size you want — and tap it on the table so that one side is as flat as it can be. If you want your notepad to have a sturdy back, add a piece of cardboard, cut to the same size, to the bottom of your stack. Secure the sheets together with a couple of binder clips. (You can also add a sheet of plain white paper on the top and bottom of the stack if you want to protect the notepad from glue drips, as we’ve done here.)

Now take a small brush and apply the padding compound liberally along the edge of the pad. In just a few minutes’ time, it will dry to a smooth and non-sticky finish. If you have a particularly large notepad and would like extra strength, you can also apply a second or third coat.

And just like that, you’ve made your own custom notepad!

If you’re as intrigued by this stuff as I was when I first found out about it, you’ll want to know where to get it! It seems that most places sell it by the quart or gallon, but since it takes such a tiny amount of the compound to make a notepad, that would practically be a lifetime supply, which may be a bit much for the typical crafter. Fortunately for you, we sell more reasonably-sized 2oz bottles of padding compound in our Amazon store! One bottle is enough to make dozens of notepads. (See our estimation guide to see how much coverage you can get from one bottle.)

The possibilities for these notepads are endless! Here are a few ideas I’ve tried so far:
Make a mat stack for you or for a scrapbooking friend. Simply cut a collection of scrapbook papers a little larger than an average photo print (for example, 4.5″ x 6.5″) and turn them into a pad. You can then tear off a mat one at a time, whenever you want to mat a photo in your scrapbook.
Turn scraps of paper into a cute scratch pad. What’s more fun than cute, printed paper when it comes to the scratch pad on your desk? Just take your otherwise useless scraps and pull them together into a notepad you’ll really enjoy using.

Bundle business cards into a stack. My husband is constantly scattering his business cards all over his truck and bag because they are loose and hard for him to keep together. I took a stack of them and made a notepad out of them and now he has an organized stack that’s easy to carry. His clients are always impressed and delighted when he pulls a card off the pad.
