

Welcome… why don’t ya pull up a chair, grab a coffee. How are you doing these days? I hope life is treating you well!

Here is a little about me.

Hi my name is Sarah I am a woman of faith, I love my Saviour Jesus. I am also a blessed wife, mother and writer. I was born and raised in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand and lived there for many years. When I married the love of my life. We then moved to Broad Bay on the Otago Peninsula in a little cottage across from the ocean.

A few years later in God called us into full time ministry. When He called, we jumped and packed up the kids and moved to live in Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA. Cincinnati was the place to be so my husband could get his Masters Degree at Cincinnati Christian University. Our family loved our time in America and was blessed greatly. While we were there we were very much loved and supported by many beautiful and kind Americans that became our friends who we still miss. Skype is just not quite the same.

While in the USA my husband was then asked to Pastor a church in Australia. And so our family had another international move, this time to Queensland in Australia. We ministered in Queensland Australia for a number of years. At that time as a PW (Pastor’s Wife) I did anything from cooking, cleaning, coffee making, leading worship, teaching bible studies, plus a carzillion more things. We also have been involved in encouraging small church ministries including home churches. Where there is a need we love to help and support God’s work where we can.

Another country was calling, and we moved country again. I bet that coffee is coming in handy right about now!?! I’m tired just thinking about another international move and no doubt there will be a few more still to come.

Anyhoo… we lived on a beautiful green little farm in a cute tiny cottage in Central Otago in New Zealand. Raised lambs and grew veggies and all that homestead type stuff. Rescued a cute kitten who found his way to our compost heap in the middle of below zero winter. One of our neighbours dropped by with some cat food and the kitten became part of the family. We were surrounded by breath taking views of countryside and mountains. Our neighbours were lovely country folk who would stop by with strawberry’s from their gardens and such. Then we moved to a lovely lake near Queenstown in New Zealand. The water in the lake comes from the mountains and is crystal clear.

With our cat in tow we are now ministering in a remote town in the outback of Australia. It is a place where the dirt is red, it is dusty, dry, hot and the beautiful sky goes on and on for forever. God willing we are hoping this next country is our last and we will be able to settle for a little while in one place 🙂

I am on a journey of living and learning just like you. I certainly have more questions than answers. I have made far too many mistakes in my life to have all the answers. Thankfully I serve a God who does have the answers and who redeems, restores, transforms and forgives deeply. I am an imperfect person pursuing my Lord and Saviour, “Jesus” who loves me perfectly in spite of my many imperfections.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. You are welcome here anytime. Thank you for your love, encouragement and support. May God richly bless you where ever you may be.

Oh… if you want to check my bits and pieces on Pinterest click HERE

FYI: A few people have asked why I don’t blog everyday. The reason is I just get busy with family, ministry, writing and study. I also have a number of endocrine issues and have to rest to keep well.

For More Info Click the below links:

Here are some helpful links to Ministries we are involved with in various ways and I am happy to recommend them to you;

  • DAB
  • KIVA
  • IJM
    I will sometimes reblog other peoples posts that I think are awesome. Sharing is Caring! I will always give credit where credit is due, so you can go directly to the original source. Of course my intention is never to use copyrighted material. I am only human, so if I make a mistake and post something that is copyrighted, please just let me know, I am more than happy to remove it. Thanks!

    Below are a few random family photos and scrapbook pages.
    (Some old & some new photo’s)
