DIY – Felt Car Play House Mat



This is the cutest toy. No matter what stage of life you are in, you can appreciate and make this beautiful gift for your children, niece, nephews, friends kids or perhaps grand babies! I haven’t made it yet but, I just had to pop it on my blog so I wouldn’t forget to. When I make it I will try to use some organic felt type fabric. I haven’t got all the instructions on here because I would love you to visit the original creator HERE Narelle is so clever and she has all the measurements and a fab tutorial that you will love!
Enjoy ~ Sarah xxx


Something To Think About

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

On Brittney Moses blog she has a great collection of thought provoking videos click HERE to get to Something To Think About. Brittney’s first video “180” has a link below (warning the below video is controversial and graphic) is by a man called Ray Comfort. Growing up I met Ray many times. He would visit my Cousins, Aunt and Uncle’s house (they lived next door to my childhood home). I remember Ray was always full of passion and questions. He would stand on an apple box in Cathedral Square or in New Brighton in Christchurch, New Zealand asking questions, teaching and preaching the gospel to anyone who would listen. He moved to the USA where he writes books and is involved in making Christian media. His style of sharing the gospel is a thought provoking natural theology (Christian Apologetic) method. This kind of apologetic’s enables Christian’s to relate the gospel in the modern world context in which we are familiar. Sometimes when people hear the truth they can become interested, questioning, angry, offended and hostile. And sometimes convicted to change. I don’t agree with everything talked about or how it is done on the video’s, but I love to be challenged about why I think what I think. If you like to be challenged or if you are someone who likes to think outside the box, I highly recommend visiting Brittney’s blog HERE where you can make your own mind up. My favourite part of the “180” video is at the end where you see hard hearts become softer by hearing the truth and where they start to think differently. Remember before you do click PLAY that the video is controversial and graphic. ~ Sarah