DIY – Infinity Scarf


What’s needed:
– an old t-shirt (a sweater might do as well)
– scissors
– pins
– thread in contrasting color (I used a contrasting yellowish green thread to offset the brownish/grey faded color of the T-shirt.
– sewing machine or needle

1. Lay down your T-shirt on a flat surface and cut off the bottom hem part. Snip-Snip. (pic.2) Do the same at the sleeve insert level, cutting from one side to the other (pic.3)
2. Fold in half and cut again along the fold – snip snip – to obtain two identically sized tunnels. (pic.4)
3. Cut away the side seams (4 times) – snip-snip – to obtain 4 identically sized rectangles. (pic.5.)
4. Lay one rectangle on top of another rectangle, right sides facing up, and with a 1/2 inch overlap. Pin together – pins-pins (which happens to be the palindrome of snip snip, by the way, how cute is that!). Repeat for the remaining pieces and close the circle by placing the first rectangle on top of the last one (pic.6).
5. Sew together by hand or on your sewing machine with a jersey stitch. And done!

You have now obtained a wonderful light weight infinity scarf and no cost. So, now you can start experimenting with it – wear it twisted around your neck a couple of times, or just once and knotted… You probably could wear it as a head band as well… or as why not, as a belt (as a maternity belt even).

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have. Simply click this SOURCE button for the Infinity Scarf Full Tutorial!

~ Sarah xxx

His Grace Covers Us



How often do we make excuses as to why we can’t do this or that? Or perhaps we just don’t feel good enough? Maybe we should be saying we “can” in spite of this or that! Let’s not let our circumstances, past mistakes or forgiven sin define our future. All things are possible with God because His grace really does cover us, we don’t have to be perfect to do God’s will! God has our back especially when we step out in faith to do what we feel or think is impossible for us! ~ Sarah

DIY – Vintage Spools for Photo’s



So cute from StudioCalico. Please go there for the tutorial.

Studio Calico. The top photo’s are from Pinterest. I couldn’t find the source. I did try. I searched and searched and then gave up. So if you know the source please let me know. Thanks!
Enjoy. ~ Sarah xxx




Jesus is My Umbrella


Jesus is my umbrella of love, grace, mercy, refuge, compassion, joy, protection, peace, strength, happiness and blessing. Jesus can stop the rain but there are times when He doesn’t, He does keep me from getting drenched. And He allows me to learn, smile and dance in yellow gumboots in the rain! Blessings ~ Sarah xxx