DIY – Simple Reusable Kitchen Handy Towels


I like the idea of having a bunch of absorbent handy towels available for spills in the kitchen. I had some cream colored hand towels which I thought could do the job so I used what I had on hand already. I would prefer using grey colored towels but I would rather reuse and repurpose what I have before I go and buy something new. If and when the cream towels look too shabby or old I will then look at making some grey handy towels. These towels could be used rolled up on a regular handy towel caddy. To do that you use the cardboard roll from an old paper handy towel and pop some velcro onto it. I had velcro that already had glue on the back of them but you could use a hot glue gun. You will need to sew velcro tabs onto your towels so they wash well and the tabs do not fall off. My favourite way to use these kitchen handy towels is to simply put them in a box where I can quickly grab and go rather than unclipping or pulling the velcro apart. The photo’s below show what I did. It is super simple and if you don’t want to have a similar size to regular kitchen handy towels you could use the no sew approach and use bathroom hand towels in a cute box. Hope you are having a great day!
Blessings ~ Sarah





Mixed Media Art -1


My philosophy is re-use, repurpose and recycle what you have before going out and buying stuff. I am guessing I will need to buy some things. I have already noticed that some of my paint won’t settle into some types of paper.
I had an old journal book so I used it for my mix media art journal. It was a lined brownish paper with a scripture at the bottom. I am thinking that this is a great little book to practice with since I am just beginning using mix media and no doubt will make plenty of mistakes and I have a whole lot of learning to do.
The first thing I wanted to do was to cover some of the original paper. For my front cover I used some canvas, old paper, water colors and a sharpie pen. I would love to do some ink work but I will have to wait until I can get some pens. It is a little journal so I will be able to use it as I travel without too much bother. I have also completed some other background pages with music sheets and old books. I have accentuated the backgrounds by using water pencils in shades of brown. I also used some tea to stain the page to give it an old world look. Although it is crazy busy around here with packing it is lovely to be able to recycle stuff that I like in my first little journal and do some art amongst the boxes. ~ Sarah



Local Harvest


There is nothing like eating fresh fruit and vegetables from your own garden! We have lived in little apartments with only a little balcony to grow a few things. We have also lived on a farm. We had a huge orchard and a big veggie patch. But not everyone has the space, time or energy to garden. When we lived on the farm our neighbor had a little strawberry farm and sold strawberries at the gate. We have had chickens and have hand reared lambs (didn’t eat them). They now live on another farm with a Potter and a Writer and they aren’t going to eat them either. Although I have no problem with people loving and looking after animals well and dispatching them in a humane way. Each person is different and we all have choices to make.

We are currently living by a lake in a little house and have grown potato’s and herbs etc. BUT we are moving overseas again and we don’t know at this stage what kind of place we will be moving to. Could be a tiny apartment or a suburban house. Time will tell. I do love nature and my heart longs to grow my own fruit, vegetables and have a few chooks in the yard. However if there is no space then I will happily buy our eggs, fruit & vege at the local organic farmers markets or have a box delivered to my door.

Anyhoo… The point of this post is really to share this LINK I am blown away by the Local Harvest website and had to share it with you. This is for Australia BUT there may be similar websites for your local area. They have a place where you type in your area and it tells you where the local organic markets are they also show you where your local shops and even closest veggie box can be ordered from. They are a fantastic resource!

Supporting local farmers markets helps keep your food bill down, helps local farmers get a fair price for their produce and it also keeps your beautiful family healthy too. My eldest daughter just told me how she is getting organic almond milk, bread in a veggie box delivered to her door each week and how she loves it. She remembered when we had veggies delivered to our home at different times and in different places. I hope you too can enjoy lovely local produce. Blessings ~ Sarah xxx