God makes everything beautiful in his time

While reading Ecclesiastes 3 I was reminded of seeing my Aunt hanging out her washing. Now my Aunt had a lot of washing as she had seven kids and a husband. Our families lived next door to each other so we spent a lot of time together. She was a wonderful role model in my life, always made time to chat with me. Which is a miracle in itself considering how time poor she would have been. She must have noticed me watching her. She called me over and told me of the joy she had seeing all her boys shirts hanging in a row. She spoke of how important it is to be happy over the seemingly small things in life. She went on to say there is always time to be thankful.

Ordinary living is beautiful, my Aunt was extraordinary enjoying her work as a Mother and Wife just simply living life.

I feel Ecclesiastes 3 embodies living the ordinary life and how precious it is. Sometimes it takes us time to see the beauty in the ordinary things of life. There is a time for everything even time to enjoy hanging out the washing.


Ecclesiastes 3
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.

Whatever is has already been,
and what will be has been before;
and God will call the past to account.

And I saw something else under the sun:
In the place of judgment—wickedness was there,
in the place of justice—wickedness was there.

I thought in my heart,
“God will bring to judgment
both the righteous and the wicked,
for there will be a time for every activity,
a time for every deed.”

I also thought, “As for men, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals. Man’s fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath [b] ; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?”

So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

Word of Promise

Have you heard of the resource “Word of Promise”

I am sometimes out and about and I don’t get time to download my DAB. I can listen to Word of Promise instead so I don’t get behind in my bible reading. I still DAB too and keep to their yearly reading plan.

Word of Promise is a audio dramatisation of the bible. My lovely family bought it for me for Mothers Day. Thank you guyz 🙂

The Joy of the Lord

Today I have been thinking about how having joy, in any circumstance whether that circumstance is good or difficult. Being truly joyful or happy is such a fantastic strength and gift to have.

I was recalling a conversation I had where someone was telling me that: such and such a person shouldn’t be happy because of their circumstance. They should tell people about their situation and have people pray for them. And instead THAT person is praying for other people. Then the person went on to say that Christians are family and we should pray for such and such.

It was a tricky conversation. I just said if a person wants other people to know their business then they will tell them. And we can pray for someone without knowing all about a situation because God does know and we don’t always need too.

I now think that the person was upset because they didn’t have all the juicy gossip and they thought by putting a prayer request around “trying to help someone” they may get the gossip they were after. It seemed to me that the person was somehow upset almost angry that other person can be happy and think and pray for others when they themselves are going through painful and difficult circumstances. Perhaps that persons expectation on how another person should be or act wasn’t met?

There are many scriptures that talk about being joyful in the Lord. We don’t have to be “head over heels” happy when we are going through a hard time. It is okay to have a few down days but it is better to be joyful no matter what. When we get down to basics, God’s grace is enough! The fact he sent his son to save us, should be enough to give us joy and strength to get through the hard times inspite of circumstances. Like in Nehemiah 8:10 “… for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” AND then in Romans 12:11-13 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. If we take a look at Paul and his writings he learn’t to be content in very difficult situations.

I learnt an interesting lesson from that conversation. That some people aren’t happy or pleased for others when they are happy in-spite of their circumstances. But I reckon God would be. Especially as we continue to walk by faith and not by sight.

Life can be pretty hard sometimes.

I stand in awe at the strength God has supplied a young woman. My hubby and I accompanied this young women to Court to support and stand along side her during this difficult time. She had to re live fairly horrific abuse and trauma in order to protect her and her children. The Judge she had ruling over her case is known to be harsh. And he was absolutely horrid. It looked like the Judge was going to rule against the Mum for the first half of the hearing.

All we can do is Praise God as she has found favour with the Judge. There have been amazing things happening and much answered prayer during this court case and in the life of this young Mum.

In Australia where we live this particular judge will always rule 50/50 custody to both parents. No matter what. In this case he didn’t. So the lives of little children was in this Judge’s hands. BUT God showed up and showed us He has this family in the palm of His hand and the earthly Judge had no chance when our mighty God got involved. God is the perfect Judge and He is the ruler of heaven and earth. He put the stars in their place. Nothing is impossible for God so if He has a mind to and if it is in His perfect will. I reckon we will continue to see more prayers answered in the life of this courageous mum and gorgeous children.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– Jeremiah 29:11